Monday, March 25, 2013


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Guess what? Mama Bear is FINALLY starting to feel better! Thank goodness. 9 days later I am feeling 98% better. That 2% is because I am still having dizzy spells/body numbness. I have had only one episode today. Hopefully it is just part of recovery?!

You know how hard it was to not be able to get out of bed for a week?! I mean, I had to get out of bed for work. But I honestly do not know how I made it through work. Finally, on Thursday I could not take it any longer. I got a shot in the ol' hip and I think that is exactly what I needed. I slept like no other and have not been sick since.

And now, I am finally in a clean house, working on Disney pictures, and kinda sorta catching up on laundry. Two weeks of laundry is killer. I do not know if I will ever catch up.

I took 1090 pictures at Disney. I started to finally edit them last night. I took so many because I wanted to really capture all the details this time around. It's going to take all week to get through them. But here are a couple of favorites thus far.

I ordered these cute little Mickey shirts from My Little Legacies on Etsy.

Happy Monday!!!

Can not wait to post the rest of the details about our best family vacation yet!

Brista Barrington


  1. Hi, I found your blog from a comment on Land with Syd and Ben and I also got back from WDW too. I am in major withdrawel mode so I am looking forward to seeing your photos! :o) We also had a magical time and it was the best vacation ever!


    1. Girl, I am in total withdrawl mode too! I definetly did not want to leave! :)
