Tuesday, October 23, 2012

i heart HOME DECOR

I have been like crazy home decor shopping lately.
I remember when I was little I would be constanly re-organizing, re-decorating, and re-arranging my bedrooms. I wanted to be an Interior Designer for quite some time.
We have lived in our house for almost three years now and it is taking forever to get it decorated. I have not even began on the Master Bedroom!
I keep changing my mind too much on the other rooms in the house.
I get some ideas off of Pinterest, but honestly, I am not on there a whole lot. I occasionally will get on for a few minutes, pin some ideas then I am off. Plus, I feel like since everyone and their sister is on there now, everyone has the same ideas.
I love love love to watch HGTV for ideas. I literally could watch that station 24/7. But then I would miss Giuliana & Bill and all my 235 reality TV shows that I watch.
I also love home decor blogs. My favorite is:
Her home seems very similar to mine. It's nothing too fancy and out of norm like some other home decor blogs I read. I mean, after all, I have two messy boys, I can't live in an all white house even though I would love nothing more. Her home is Cozy. Comfy. Normal. Simple.
She recently re-did a dresser that I am obsessed with.

I know if I like something when I see it, first instinct. And I LOVE this dresser.
LOVE the two colors.

I want so badly to re-do a dresser, but I am so scared to do it.
I have been recently wanting to re-paint Drew's room. I love the brown on the walls in his room, but I want something lighter.
This dresser would look great with what I have been thinking of doing in his room.
Hope I can get the guts to actually do it!
Brista Barrington


  1. That dresser is gorgeous! So simple. I say do it - it'll be worth the effort!!!!

  2. Haha. Thanks! I think I just might! ;)

  3. Love the dresser and the colors! Hubby and I just bought a house & I totally know what you mean about home decor. I am your new gfc follower, would be awesome if you visit my blog and follow.

    ~Abigail K
