Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Barrington Boo Bash

Each year we host a Costume Halloween Party for our close friends!
This year's party was probably my favorite!
It was soooo much fun!!
 The Barrington's have had a rough few months medically, so party planning has been put on the back burner. I honestly thought about canceling the party in all.
What in the heck was I thinking?!?!
I would have totally regretted it.
So, since the party planning was on the back burner, I really didn't do any decorating at all.
We set up the garage for the oh so classy flippy cup and beer pong, I cooked some yummy food, and that's that. So less stressful to do things this a way.
Not only did I choose to not decorate. I totally forgot about getting a prize for the Costume Contest, so there was no Costume Contest this year. :(
So sorry peps!! Next year, I'll make up for it!
Our group of friends is the best. It's always a great time with them.
I'm so lucky to have found some amazing girlfriends here in Carterville and even my two best friends made the party as well--prego baby and all!
I think we all know that I was Giuliana Rancic. Ha.
She totally tweeted me that morning and told me to send her a picture.
I did.
She didn't respond.
I am telling myself that she just did not see it. ;)
Maybe she was disappointed in my costume though. I did not really put enough into it. Now I wish I would have worn skinny jeans, heels, and worked a little harder at figuring out my hair extensions. Oh well.

The hubs pulled off the Bill Rancic outfit pretty well. Suit. Unbuttoned top shirt. He tried to comb his hair to the side, however, as we all can see he is going bald. (Hehe.)

Kim Kardashian also made an appearance at the party.
All the costumes were great this year, like always. Creative group of friends I have!
Hockey Lockout...
Lance Armstrong...
Walk of Shame...
Zack Morris and Kelly Kapowski...
Uncle Sam and Miss America...
Sons of Anarchy...
Socket and Plug...
Kourtney Kardashian and Eric Church...
Kourtney and Kim Kardashian...
My personal favorite...Miss Piggy and Kermit...
We hope everyone had a great time!!!
Already looking forward to next year's party!
What is more fun than adults dressing up for Halloween?!
Sam, I know you told me to mention something in this blog post. But I have no idea what it was...:)))

Brista Barrington


  1. How fun! You all did a great job dressing up!

    P.S. I hope the hockey lockout ends soon!

  2. These are some fun costumes! Thank you for stopping by and for following :)

    Abigail K
