Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 Year Reunion 10.6.12

Not a whole lot has changed in 10 years...but yet, so much has.
For instance. Spanx. That's all I'm saying.
Oh, I had so much fun at my reunion!
I really really wish more people could have shown up. I, myself, wanted to see what everyone was up to. Yeh, Facebook may have ruined the whole idea of a Class Reunion, but I still think it is much different sitting down with a person and having a conversation with them and talking face to face about life, children, jobs, etc.
It was so fun to reminisce and so fun to look back at our old pictures.
{Our 8th Grade Washington D.C. Class Picture}
{Our Senior Class Picture}
*Found these awesome purple frames at Hobby Lobby. Now, we will be able to use it at many of our reunions to come!
{Our Senior Yearbook...Remember When...}
I can still remember exactly where I was sitting in the library at the High School when I came up with the yearbook title. I was very insistent on the
Still to this day I use the ...
We were with the same people for 12 years of our life, how could it not be fun to see what everyone is up to now?!?!
A famous quote of the night was:
And I can honestly say I really do!
I mean, LOOK! How can you not LOVE these laughs?!?!

Some of my friends I haven't seen since college days and it was like we just picked up where we left off. It was so beyond fun to hang out with them again!
I literally got goosebumps and jumped with excitement like a little schoolgirl  when I seen my friend Erin before the reunion while we were decorating.
I probably gave way too many hugs that night.
 What can I say?!
 I'm a hugger.
I kept saying my face hurt because I was smiling and laughing so much!

{This was our group in Jr. High--minus 2-Heather and Lacy}
I really really really hope that the 15 year is as much fun as the 10 year! AND...
I hope more people can make it!!

See ya again in FIVE!

Brista Barrington

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! Your blog is SO CUTE! Love it. Thanks so much for stopping by! Happily following back now. :) Hope you'll stop by next week for my find + follow friday hop!

    ♥ Nicole @
