Saturday, December 29, 2012

Who knew Santa brought black eyes and blizzards?! {Christmas Recap}

Our Christmas was anything less than awesome!
Like I said before, holidays are just so much more fun once you have kids to share them with.
We do not really have to be anywhere Christmas Eve day. It's kinda sad actually. I wish we did. Justin stayed home with the boys while I ran into work for a few hours to do payroll. Go figure payroll would fall on Christmas Eve. Oh well, I don't have it too bad where I work. ;)
So, later that night we headed out to a Christmas Eve gathering with Justin's family that was completed with Santa and Mrs. Claus stopping by.
Drew loved them. Dylan...not so much. The face in the picture gives it away. Ya see, Dylan is a crazy crazy kid, but when he is in front of a bunch of people he gets kinda shy.
Later that night we were presented with crazy face objects. This following picture just cracks me up. Dylan looks like a sad little clown.
And the hubs and I got into the crazy spirit...
Once we got home the boys were so excited to set out the milk and cookies for Santa. I would like to say that we were just so awesome in baking fresh cookies for Santa, BUT, we just grabbed cookies from our cookie jar. Hope Santa enjoyed those Chip Ahoy's! Sorry Santa.
I also had every intention of getting monogrammed pajamas for the kids. I found the perfect red, green, and white striped jammies I have been looking for at Hannah Anderson. Oopsie. Mommy forgot to order them. Darn it. So we got Old Navy polar bears and footballs instead.
I am sure it only bothered me. 
Here are the little kiddos all snugged in their beds Christmas Eve night...
FINALLY! Christmas is here!! I woke up to the most annoying text from my Mother "Santa Came! Santa Came! Wake up! Wake up!" Ugh. She used to drive me bonkers Christmas morning running around the house in like the most chipper mood ever.  I immediately replied "Still just as annoying as if I was at home."
Anywho, my Dad and step-mom joined us Christmas morning which was a nice surprise. Drew was totally into opening presents. Dylan, however ,was not. He wanted to me to open every single present for him.
Dylan eventually cheered up once he got to go outside and ride his big "digger" as I slaved away in the kitchen making a breakfast feast for the family. It's always nice to have company and I always cook an extra special breakfast Christmas morning even if it does not include Reindeer faces made out of pancakes.
Before we left for Justin's parents Christmas I was cleaning up the house a bit and got the vacuum out of the closet. I forgot to close the door. Dylan ran right smack dab into the door, cut his eye, and screamed bloody murder. He immediately began to get a black eye. Just perfect. He's a trooper though. 4 days later, that shiner is still there and blacker than ever!
It was a nice little Christmas morning we had. I missed my family on Christmas, but I was lucky to get to spend the whole weekend before Christmas with them.
We went to Justin's parents for lunch and more presents. I tell ya, between my parents, Justin's parents, Santa, and ourselves our kids are spoiled rotten. They are very lucky kids.
Justin's dad makes these reindeer for all of us to put in our yards. Their house is filled with lots more reindeer than ours. Reindeer for each person in the family.
I am still working on trying to figure out my camera. I think I have it figured out, but the types of pictures I want to get, call for some expensive lenses. My kids and husband may be getting tired of me all up in their face with my camera, but look at the awesome pictures I get!
After all the Christmas festivities it was time to go home, relax, play with all our new toys, and wait for the snow!
We had a blizzard warning for Christmas night and over the night. We woke up to 12 inches of snow!!!!
So parties, black eyes, and snow galore later, we still had a fantabulous Christmas!! I hope everyone had just as great one as ours!!!
Brista Barrington

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a fabulous Christmas! And I know its probably awful to say but your little guy even looks cute with a shiner :)
