Friday, December 21, 2012

When did I sleep?

Last weekend was by far the most crazy busy weekend I think I have ever had.
Bunco. Christmas Parties. Birthday Parties. Ahhh..
I have no idea when I slept.
To add onto the busy weekend, it was also a tough emotional weekend as a Mother after what happened in Connecticut on Friday. We all wanted to hold our children so tight after the tragedy. It was hard to the leave the kids, but I know I can not keep them in a little bubble. (As much as I really really want to.)
Friday was Drew's Kindergarten Christmas Program. His program started right after I heard the news of the shooting. I was on edge and feeling so thankful yet guilty for getting to sit here watching my son perform as others did not even know if their child was alive.
Despite all of that, Drew was of course a cutie patootie. Singing and dancing away.
Then...I hosted a Bunco Party Friday night. Which meant cooking dinner for 12 gals. I cooked a yummy comfort food pasta dish.(Thought: I should share that recipe.)We get together once a month and play the fun dice game, Bunco. We all take turns hosting and cooking for one another. December is my month and of course I had to add a little party decor to the mix. I found these adorable FREE Bunco printables online and my mother in law made some awesome cupcakes and dice cookies.
I drank a lot of wine that night. I used my new Corkcicle. I was way too excited about this thing. Way overrated. But the wine went down smooth...I love me some wine.
The next morning a friend hosted our annual Housewife Kids Christmas. All of our friends that have kids get together and the kids draw names for one another. I mean, we are together all the time, so it's a fun little way for the kids to get to enjoy Christmas together.
The kids wear their Christmas PJ's, eat breakfast, make gingerbread houses, and open presents. It was a fun time.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get a picture of all the kids smiling at the same time. This was the best I got out of like 20 pictures....
Next up? Nephew's birthday party. Drew had a blast. Peyton is a few years older than Drew but Drew ran around and played hockey, dodge ball, and wiffle ball right along with the older kids. He thought he was so cool.
Happy Birthday Peyton!
Afterwards we had a few hours to take a break. I decided to turn on the news and watch more of the shooting coverage. Bad idea. Emilie Parker's Dad began speaking and I lost it. I was in bed, curled up, crying like a baby. I couldn't help it. I felt so much pain for those poor parents and kids not even knowing who they were or having any relation at all. This put a damper on my night and I still had two more events to be at. I freshened up and got ready for my husband's work party.
Of course, it was so hard to leave the kids after having just watched the news. But I sucked it up and did it.
We had a fabulous dinner and a great time at Justin's work party. It was hosted at Walker's Bluff. One of my most favorite places to eat around here. So delicious.
Afterwards we had still yet one more party to attend. Our friend's host an annual Christmas Party where you either wear an ugly Christmas sweater or dress as a Christmas character. Last year, we were the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who. This year, we just simply were a Christmas Party couple. Boring. I know.
At this point I could barely keep my eyes open. I was so tired. Crying always makes me tired. All I wanted to do was be with my boys. So, that's exactly what I did. I went to my in laws and slept with my babies.
Finally, it was Sunday and one last birthday party! This party is going to get it's own post though since I helped my good friend Kellie with it. But here's the pretty party girl...
I ended up getting so many good pictures! How could I not though with such a beautiful little girl like this?! weekend is finally over. Or so I thought. Somehow I drummed up enough strength to meet my Mom and sisters to Christmas Shop. What the heck? Where did I get all this energy from?! I am so glad I did though because I finished a lot of shopping and I got to spend some time with my Mom and sisters.
Whooooweeee. What a busy weekend. How did I compile all of that into just a couple of pictures?!
I feel caught up on my life now! :)
This weekend we are heading home to my family's houses for Christmas! So excited to spend time with my family and celebrate the holidays!
And of course I am super excited for Santa to bring the kids their gifts!!!
This year I decided to keep a running total on exactly what I spent. WOW! Have you ever done that? Sickening.
BUT...I am just so happy to even be able to do what we do and also am so happy that the world did NOT end!! Hollllaaa!!!
Damn Mayans had me sick and awake all night. I do believe that God only knows, but I still thought "What if?" Thank goodness this day is almost over...
I hope everyone has a Merry Merry Christmas!!!
Brista Barrington

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've been busy, busy...In a good way! :)

    I'm a new follower here and think your blog is so cute! I can't wait to come back, read more, and get to know you!

    Happy holidays! Xoxoxo!
