Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Family Pictures.

We recently just had our family pictures done....AGAIN!
I can't help it. I am so obsessed with pictures. However, now that my kids are a little bit older, I have limited myself to once a year in between both of their birthdays. See, I have this thing that I need a new picture each time the boys birthday role around. But Drew was born in May and Dylan in September. It's not that far away from each other, so I have decided to meet in the middle and each summer get family pictures made.
This is until it snows and I call my photographer up for a family snow photo session.
And this does not include our Fall Mini Session we are going to do for Christmas Card Pictures.
Okay. I'm nuts. I have problems and can't stop with the family pictures.
But I just
I may need an intervention.
I'm in love with our new family pictures!
I am so in love with these next two pictures that I just might spend the extra money and pay for a gallery wrap. Even though I still haven't framed one of my all time favorite pictures, our sunset family picture. The picture is literally still rolled up in my closet. I need to get on that. 
I love interactive shots. They are my favorite.
Stephanie caught these moments between Drew and I.
I was really trying to have him give me kisses.
However he decided to smash my nose instead.
And I really think the one where my eyes are closed I am BEGGING him to just kiss me.

As much as I hate to admit it...I found this next idea on Pinterest...
If you know me at all, you know how I feel about the whole "I seen this on Pinterest!!"
Not my thing.
I like to be original.
Plus, everyone and their sister is on Pinterest now and I feel like the ideas are not so original and everyone has the same family picture.
But, it turned out cute...
And of course once we hung Dylan upside down, we had to do it over and over and over and over again. And Drew wanted a turn as well.
Made for a cute little picture...
These next two are just way too precious to not get blown up either.
They are definitely FRAMERS!
And another one of my favorites as well...
Thank you so much Stephanie for once again taking our family pictures!!!
I have been going to Stephanie since she very first started and plan to go to her until she quits.
Please don't ever quit! :)

Brista Barrington


  1. LOVE every-single-one-of-them!!!! :)) xo

  2. I LOVE all of them. they are all so sweet how could you possibly not want every single one in a frame?


  3. Thank you! It's going to be hard to choose!

  4. Wow, what a wonderful family and I love your kids they looking so cute…
