Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fiesta Like There is No Manana {Mexico 2015}

Well I did it...I finally went to Mexico.

If ya don't know--Justin and I had our honeymoon booked to Mexico annnnnnnnd I canceled it. I got too terrified to fly and to leave Drew. (He was only a year and a half at the time.) So we ended up never even taking a honeymoon at all. (Eeeek..) #anxiety

Let's see, how many years later and I still don't want to leave my kids! Ha. BUT I sucked it up and I did it and glad I did. It was such a relaxing time. We did absolutely nothing but lay by the pool and eat. That's it. We slept in however long we wanted. We went to bed when we wanted. 
It was soooo relaxing!

We went with six other couples. It was nice to have my girlfriends there with me who all also have kids and understood the experience of leaving the kiddos at home. I only broke down one time while I was gone about missing them. But also great to have them to chat and have plenty of girl time!

Our trip was for five nights, but we ended up staying in the hotel the night before our plane left so we were gone for six nights total. I would have never ever imagined myself being gone that long away from my boys. I have only ever left them one other time for a long period of time and that was for three nights. I rarely ever ever ever even leave them overnight. It's just not my thing and I enjoy being home at night with them.

But I did it, I made it. I am alive. They are alive. All was good! 
Thank goodness for Facetime & that my boys know how to text me! Ha.
And also a big thanks to my in-laws for keeping our boys while we were away! 

Like I said, all we did was lay by the pool all day--errrrday. The seaweed was absolutely horrible. Like, I have never seen seaweed so bad. So we did not get hardly any beach time in at all. We went down for a couple of pictures, but most of our time was spent in the pool.

Our schedule was as follows:
Wake up whenever.
Pool time.
Lunch on the beach.
Pool time.
Pool time.



Some of the couples did jet skis and snorkeling for the day, but Ju and I decided to stay back by the pool. I mean, I do not ever get to just lay in the pool to relax ever, so I was soaking these moments up! Even though I got so sunburned it looked like I came home with lip injections my lips were so swollen. Lol.

Overall I am so glad that I ended up going. I mean, it wasn't easy getting me there. I wanted to cancel many many times. Thank goodness my husband can help me when I drug myself up completely to even get on the airplane. I was so knocked out I do not even remember getting ON the plane to get to Mexico. I was passed out before we even took off. Hahaha. 
Oh my--y'all--I am such a mess to travel with! 

Here are some pictures from the trip. I did not even really take that many and I wish I had. 
But we still made many memories that we will cherish forever with wonderful friends!!! 

Love is in the Air people. Love is in the air.
I'll be here all week.

Brista Barrington

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