Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We have a 2nd grader!!

We have a 2nd grader.
Wow. This just seems soooo impossible!

And we have a mighty sweet little 2nd grader if I do say so myself.

This child is something special. He has the most kind hearted personality. Of course, occasionally he has fights with his brother, but all the other moments are driven with kindness. 
I mean, who doesn't fight with their siblings?! Ha.
They fight and make up two seconds later.

He has a love for Dylan that is so incredible to watch.
He is like his little protector.
It's one of my favorite things about him.

He has grown up to be a wonderful little child.
I always wondered what they would be like as they got older, and I would not change a thing about him as he has grown up. 

He teaches me something new about being a Mommy all the time.
Each year being his Mom just gets better and better.
I love each stage more and more.

I am just so incredibly proud of him!!
 Words can not express...

He is so excited this year because he got Mr. Trueblood for 2nd grade, which is who he wanted!
And I am so excited not only because he is happy, but word on the street is that he is an amazing teacher! My nephew, Peyton, had him and had nothing but great things to say!
 Drew has been incredibly lucky to have had such wonderful teachers each year.

Unfortunately, Drew had to miss his first day of school already! :(

I had been sick the day before and had to drum up enough strength to get to Open House. 
However, AT Open House, Drew became sick.

It was a struggle to not send him his first day, but there was just absolutely NO way he could go. 
He was pitiful.

We will always remember he missed his first day of 2nd grade....

That night before bed he became much better!
He was so excited to get to school!

And so here is your bombardment of pictures of my favorite little 2ND GRADER...

He is just soooooo darn cute with those two missing top teeth.
I just love love love love him to pieces!!



Brista Barrington

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