Saturday, June 15, 2013

Just another Life Lately post...

Life lately...

Well as ya can tell life lately as been pretty crazy busy, as usual. I try to keep this blog up to date, however, like scrapbooking, I am catching myself getting behind.
I am also catching myself not getting my real camera out and just taking pictures with my iPhone.
Which I did for our Mommy/Kiddo trip to Holiday World. The last thing I wanted to do was have to worry about my nice expensive camera without an extra set of hands to help me.
My group of girlfriends decided this year that we would head out to Holiday World with just the Mommy's and kids. It was such a good trip. We rented a hotel room the night before, so the kids had a late night swim and what kid doesn't love to just stay in a hotel room? I know my kids do even if Dylan kept us up past midnight saying "Ho. Ho. Ho." (We were in Santa Claus, IN where Santa Claus is EVERYWHERE)
I conquered a fear of mine: WATER SLIDES.
I may of had a death grip on my children walking up the stairs. I may have literally not have been able to feel my legs walking up the stairs. But the water slides were a lot of fun. I couldn't leave my kids hanging when they were begging me to ride with them. :)
I also had a minor little panic attack riding these REALLY HIGH swings.
I mean, they were HIGH! I closed my eyes and was yelling at Drew to sit still. I kept crying " I wanna get down. I wanna get down" as Drew was laughing "I wanna go higher! I wanna go higher!" I have never been more happy to be on ground in my life. Whew. Never again.
Dylan rode his first Raging Rapids. Such a fun ride.
 He is such a dare devil I could totally see him jumping out of a plane when he is older.
Oh and speaking of Dylan...we made a quick little trip to the First Aid section of the water park because he tripped and scraped his knee up pretty good.  Now that the bandage is off weeks later he still has a slit in his knee. Oh...only Dylan....
My favorite part of Holiday World is the WAVE pools. I think it's the boys as well. What kid doesn't love to jump the waves? They could have jumped them for hours. And it was so nice to just sit there and relax on the side watching them.
We were completely exhausted by the end of the day. But the kids were so good for me!
Great trip!!
Later that week the boys had their Vacation Bible School Program. O.M.Goodness. Nothing cuter than sitting there watching your boys singing about God!
I usually never argue with Dylan about what he wants to wear. I let him dress in whatever just as long as we can leave the house. Pick your battles, right? But I draw the line at Dino shoes for church.
We have already spent a lot of time at my sister in law's pool. So thankful she let's us go over to her house all the time to swim. The boys love it.
Drew lost his second tooth. Yeh. He can stop anytime now!!!
 Oh and he also likes to fall asleep in the bathtub in the mornings. Anyone else's kids do that or am I the only one who has a weirdo child??
Dylan has gained a whole new obsession with fishing. He wants to fish all the dang time.
This child could seriously live outside and hunt and fish and mow all  day long and be the happiest child alive. He could not be any more boy.
Of course our summer has already consisted of lots and lots of baseball!
When Drew first started playing ball I took my camera and video camera to every game. Now I devote one game to picture taking Ha. Slacker? No. Just realized I do not need the same picture over and over and over.
He works so hard. But better yet, he loves to play. And that is all that matters to this Mama!
Oh and another reason I do not bring my camera to every game anymore is because usually my other monkey child is doing something crazy like this...
Ha. No, I have to say, Dylan is really starting to grow up a lot. He has began to really listen well to directions and has became a lot more well behaved. He still loves his crazy adventures and makes me laugh all the time. I can not believe his going to be FOUR in less than three months. Totally totally crazy!
So that's a catch up on our lives and our summer still has lots lots lots more to come!!!!
Brista Barrington

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