Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday, Drew!

The fact that I am even saying Drew is turning SIX today just seems so surreal.
You hear Moms say that time flies, but you never understand that until you have a child of your own.
Wow!! Six!!!
Drew is 6!

Six Years Ago...

I had a pretty easy pregnancy with Drew up til the last few months. I developed high blood pressure and was in and out of the hospital.
One night I remember working on getting things ready for Drew's arrival talking to Mom on the phone saying I felt awful. Like I knew something was not right.
This was after a stay in the hospital for high blood pressure once before.

I refused to go to the hospital. I did not want to be back in that hospital bed for days. So my Mother decides it would be a great idea to call the hospital and have a nurse call me.
So they did.
Her name was Stephanie and her and I became quiet the buddies once she convinced me to get to the hospital. This time they didn't release me. They kept me for what seemed like forever.
Stephanie was so great. She was so concerned about me and took great care.

I was there for about a week before they decided they needed to induce me. My blood pressure was out of control. I remember the numbers being in the 200's as I was just laying in bed doing nothing. I had no control of the sickness. Nothing I could do would make it better.

Our wonderful Doctor came in and explained to us that he needed to induce and that "I could die from a seizure caused by the blood pressure during labor."
I remember that moment oh so well. Justin was so freaked out he hopped up and literally left me. He did not know what to think.

I remember too my Aunt Donna bringing me something to eat and she literally threw my food down and left because apparently I looked so bad. I gained 10 pounds over one night from swelling.

Finally it was time for induction. I do not remember much of it honestly. I was so medicated and drugged up with blood pressure meds, nausea meds, etc. I was puking so much because my blood pressure was so high. I remember puking the whole time I was getting my epidural apologizing to the nurse for being so gross. Ha.

During labor my Mother was so worried about me and had to leave the room to get a drink while I was pushing because my numbers were so high that she missed Drew being born. The Dr. literally suctioned him out because my BP was skyrocketing. I do not think I even pushed very much at all. If I did, I do not have a clue how I had any energy to do so.

After all that excitement this little guy was here...

Born: May 10, 2007
at 3:09 a.m.
Weighing 5 pounds 11 ounces

Is that not the best screaming crying baby face EVER?

I do not really remember much of the rest of the night.

The nurses took him away and I slept for a couple of hours. We stayed I think 2-3 extra days because my BP was STILL not low.

Despite all the craziness I had to go through to get him here, he was seriously the LOVE OF MY LIFE and I would go through all that sickness again just for him.

I had never loved someone so much with knowing them such a short period of time. Indescribable feeling. I had never been happier.

He easily became the light of our lives. Everything we did we did for him. He was our motivation. He was what we worked so hard for. He was our everything.

His first year was amazing. Watching him do new things. Watch him roll over for the first time. Watching him smile for the first time. Watching him crawl for the first time. Ahhh..everything. Still a perfect memory in my head.

Drew at his 1st Birthday Party...

Who knew that it got even better and better?

By the time he was two we were used to chasing him around everywhere!!!

When he turned three his obsession with the WWE started...

He grew up so so so much before he turned four. I was so amazed by him.

I feel like this fifth year was a big year. His personality really began to develop.

He started Kindergarten. He started making life long friends.

He is seriously the sweetest kid you will ever meet. I love hearing his teachers at school talk about how kind he is and how sweet he is. He is always happy. He loves sports. He is just an amazing kid. 

I could not be any more proud of the boy he has became. His is my baby. He is my heart. He is one of the loves of my life. I could never imagine my life without him. We have had so many great memories. We have so many great things we do just him and I. He loves his family so much. He loves his brother so much. He takes care of his Mommy when she does not feel good. He is compassionate. He is my rock. He is just absolutely wonderful.

Now that I have crocodile tears running down my face...

I seriously can not wait to see what more is to come of this little man. I can not wait (well, yes I can) to six years from now to see how much he has grown and to see what kind of little man he becomes.

Can you imagine what I am going to be like when he turns sixteen when I am taking him turning six hard?!?! My gosh. Pray for the husband.

The other day Drew was talking about going away to College and I was sick to my stomach. Ha.

I feel like I could go on and on about this angel in my life that I just love so much.

Here's to an awesome birthday Drew!!!!

I love you a million 69, 567, 100 thousand, to the left, to the right, to the moon, to the ground, to infinity and beyond, times a hundred.

And I will never ever stop...


I wrote this post last night.
Today, why is Drew turning six hitting me so hard. Geez, this totally snuck up on me. Thank goodness one of my friends is Drew's school nurse, so I could get hugs from her!

I was singing Happy Birthday in the car to him on the way to school and I lost it.
He says "Don't worry Mom. Those are happy tears."
Seriously? Stop being so dang cute and sweet, it's making it worse!!!

Brista Barrington

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