Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Justin and the boys got me tickets to the Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney concert in Chicago with some of my girlfriends this past Mother's Day. I have to say, when I opened them, I got a pit in my stomach. I didn't want to go. I immediately got upset because I didn't want to leave the boys.

However, I talked myself into going and I am SO glad I did!!

I thought to myself: Ya know what?! I deserve a relaxing weekend away. I mean after all, Justin is gone a lot with basketball, so why can't I go away for a few days?! Plus, this would be a good weekend for the boys to bond with their Dad the whole weekend. (And see what I have to do by myself when he is always gone.)

Leaving the boys was rough. I cried a bit. I had never left them for more than one day. And those nights I left them it was not even for a full 24 hours. It was usually for a wedding of some sort or a night out with friends. This time though, I had to leave them for a FULL WEEKEND!!

How was I going to manage?!? I instantly made Justin download Skype so I could at least see them over the weekend. It was tough not being able to kiss or hug them at all, especially since I hug and kiss them 126798 times a day.

However, I managed and I had a great time!!

We took the early train Friday morning to Chicago and boy was it the LONGEST train ride of my life. Sick the whole way there. My nerves got the best of me and it was all down hill from there. Having anxiety and motion sickness at the same time?! Come on! This is supposed to be a FUN weekend! I really did not think I was going to make it. Like, I thought about getting off the train in Effingham to go back home. But I didn't. I stuck it out and felt a little bit better once I got off the train.

Once we got to Chicago, we grabbed some Chicago style pizza for lunch and headed straight to Michigan Avenue! Where else would four women go on a beautiful day in Chicago? We HAD to get some shopping in!

After a pretty full day of shopping we headed back to the hotel and freshened up to head to the Navy Pier for some drinks and dinner reservations at RPM!!

To say I was excited about our dinner reservations at RPM is a huge understatement! I am a HUGE fan of Guilianna and Bill! I think their story is just absolutely amazing and they are just great people. ( I talk like we are BFF's!)

Since I do follow their story, I followed their decision to open a restaurant from where the location would be down to what the servers/hostesses would be wearing. So it was so neat to actually be there in their restaurant seeing exactly what they had worked on during their show.

If you follow their show at all, you know Mama DuPandi's pasta is a big hit! I ended up not trying it, but I did get the Spaghetti and Meatball which was amazing! And of course, I had to try Guilianna's Salad which was great as well.

The following day was THE day!! The whole reason we came to Chicago.....


As we were walking to the Beer Garden, we noticed the tour buses on the side of the building. Then, we spotted TIM!! He was working out right outside of his tour bus. Just right there. Out for everyone to see. We sat and watched him for probably 5 minutes, before some security guy came and told us to keep moving. I mean, we were just sitting there drooling and staring, not like we were going to do anything to him. Apparently, Tim was doing Crossfit. Liz's favorite work out...
I don't care what he was doing. He was there. Shirt off. Bandanna on the head. Looking SMOKIN HOT!

The concert was amazing! Jake Owen was the opening act and put on a great show! Apparently, they had been bringing surprise performers throughout their tour. Well, Chicago didn't get one. We were bummed, but I still think it was an amazing concert regardless.

I wasn't a huge Kenny fan to begin with. I liked his music just wasn't all goo-goo-gah-gah over him, but after the concert, I have to say I do like him a lot now!!

Overall, we had a fabulous weekend!

On our way home we did a Peek and Pit of the trip.

Obviously, my Pit was the train rides there and back, being sick.

My Peek was seeing Tim work out!!

Can't wait for the next girls weekend away!!!!

Brista Barrington

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