Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Easter Bunny Came!!

Easter is one of my favorite times of the year. Well, any holiday is my favorite time of year!! I remember growing up and my mother waking us up with her annoying yelling, screaming "The Easter Bunny Came! The Easter Bunny Came!" That is me now. I am that annoying mother that somehow gets burst of energy in the morning to run around the house screaming in excitement for the boys. Lord help me.

I LOVE family traditions. I like to start our own Barrington family traditions as well. Each year on the Saturday before Easter we dye Easter eggs with the boys. It gets more and more fun each year as they get older! After we dye the eggs we leave the eggs the boys make and some plastic eggs in their basket for the night so the Easter Bunny can take them and hide them.

The boys were beyond excited about Easter this year. I think for a week straight they woke up and first thing they did was run to the front door to see if the Easter Bunny came. So Easter Sunday, they were super pumped to see he had really came that morning!!

I like to keep Easter pretty simple with a few books, toys, and CANDY! LOTS OF CANDY! It's the only time I really buy candy throughout the year. So why not splurge?!?!

I usually fill the plastic eggs outside with change and chocolate. This year, the "Easter Bunny" wasn't quite feeling like doing that. So, I just put some money in an egg for the basket. Drew LOVES money. So, he was excited. He has been asking lately: 
" Is Daddy at work buying MORE money??" Hahaha..Love this kid and his imagination!

While Drew was excited about the money, who else would be excited about ALL OF THIS CANDY?!?!
The one and only Dylan of course!

Dylan was not really into Easter Egg Hunting this year. He would rather have just found the eggs, break them, and eat the chocolate. Eh, whatever works!

Drew, however, was VERY into hunting Easter Eggs! He wanted to be sure he got the most out of everyone! Little competitor he is! :)

Every Easter that I can remember we have always went to my Mema's for lunch and Easter Egg hunts! We always have a blast and the adults usually have their own. We didn't have one this year and I was totally bummed. What's up with that people???

It was such a gorgeous day! We spent all day outside playing and relaxing. Mema had some new little baby yellow ducklings that were just absolutely adorable.

Dylan just LOVED playing with them!

Drew held them for a bit. This picture just cracks me up. He is just holding the little duck like no big deal. He is just hanging out.

I am surprised these ducklings are still alive after all the kiddos holding them by their necks.

Again, the crazy child was not into Easter Egg Hunting. So why not put the basket on your head and run around?? Sure, why not??

PS- This child also did not wear shoes AT ALL. ALL DAY LONG. He likes to keep things entertaining and keep Mommy on her toes.

Just picture this: All the kids take off to run for Easter Eggs. Dylan, on his mower, takes off with a red solo cup in his lap, weaving in and out of the kids hunting their eggs. Just chilling. Sitting back like no big deal.

Finally, after Mema's, we went to my mother's house for even MORE Easter baskets and egg hunts!

I let Dylan have his first piece of bubble gum. Here he is trying to blow some bubbles like Mommy. Now that I think about it, I am not sure where that piece of chewed up bubble gum ended up. Oopsie!

You think that after all the Easter Egg Hunts from the day already that the kids would be burned out. But, it's just way too much fun so of course they were excited for yet another one! Dylan-not so much, he would rather eat the candy.

Drew was really into counting all of his eggs this year. One. By. One. Very. Slowly.

Are you tired yet??? Because I sure am!!

After my mothers, we headed back home to go to Justin's parents house.

Drew spent 90% of his time fishing with all of his cousins.

We walked down to the neighbors who have built in a beach into their backyard. 

Dylan is going to love being at the beach this summer!

My, oh my!! What a LONG day!

It may have been a long day and we were exhausted as soon as we got home, but it was probably the best Easter we have had. It was such a beautiful day outside and it was just an all in all relaxing day. 

I hope everyone had as great of Easter as we did!!

Brista Barrington


  1. adorable boys! I found you on Kelly's moms of all boys. I have 2 boys as well!

  2. I am visiting from Kelly's Korner. It looks like you guys had a fun Easter. Your boys are so cute and that picture with the little duck is precious. I have two little boys Elias and Owen. So fun :)

    -ashley (feel free to stop by my little blog any time)
