Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wrap up of our week and it is ONLY Thursday!

Often times I think to myself, I wish that everyone could see my family at home, kind of like a reality show. Everyone would get to see the super sweet and smart side of my kids, how well they get along and play together, AND how crazy my 2 year old is!!

My, Oh My! I was not looking forward to the terrible two's because they were horrible with Drew. However, I have been so lucky to not have to deal with terrible 2's with Dylan.  Instead, he just is obsessed with little wonderful adventures of his own!

Like, seriously..."the wonderful little adventures of Dylan." He has this BLUE marker that he I think he secretly hides somewhere. If you had only known what he has done with this blue marker. He has marked on the wall, colored his whole body, managed to color SOME coloring book pages, and the best night of all is when he came in and colored his boy parts with the blue marker! Nothing else on his naked body, but his boy parts! I thought about taking a picture, but decided not to. Now, I wish I had! (Obviously, it would be for my eyes only!) I HAVE TO FIND THIS MARKER!!

This week he decided to get a hold of some of Mommy's finger nail polish and paint his brother's hair. What in the world was Drew thinking letting him just paint his hair???? Well, Drew was too focused on his You Tube videos that he watches to notice that Dylan was just painting away! We smelled the finger nail polish but not soon enough. Later we realized what Dylan had really done and why the smell would not go away. The result: Drew looks like he had a major case of head lice!!! HOW AWFUL!!

We tried everything to get it out: finger nail polish remover, ice, baby oil, scrubbing, anything imagenable..NOTHING worked! I was so scared and nervous I was going to have to shave ALL of his hair off. I mean, Dylan got it in there good! All the way down to the scalp! Luckily, our friend and hair dresser met us uptown on Monday to fix it. She got most of it out and I didn't have to shave his hair completely off. PTL! If I had to shave his hair off I would have balled my eyes out!! Oh Dylan, you have such a wonderful sense of humor!! :)

On Tuesday, Drew had his Kindergarten physical appointment!! I can not believe I am saying KINDERGARTEN! This seems totally impossible!! He did so great at his appointment. He had to do an eye exam which brought tears to my eyes because he stood there covering an eye reading the letters on the door! I know, seems cheesy, but he is growing up so fast!!! He also took his shots like a champ! He sat right there with Dr. Reddy and didn't move an inch! Much better than Mommy ever does! I about pass out when they wipe me with the alcohol pad! Anywho-he did so great, I treated him some Dairy Queen and even Dr. Reddy took him by his hand and treated him to a secret stash of toys in his office. I was totally shocked by this, I have never seen Dr. Reddy do this. I am sure he does it with many kids, but it was my first time seeing it. Just another reason why I love our pediatrician!

Later on that day, we went to see our nephew play basketball for the championship. They lost by 6, but they played a great game. I, me, yes, BRISTA, even stood up and threw my hands in the air when Blake scored a 3 point basket close to the end of the game!! My husband was like, "what did you do with my wife?!?!" LOL. But hey, if it's someone I know, especially in my family, then of course I want them to win!! :)

Onto Wednesday--our good friend Kyle Smithpeters is coaching his first year at Missour State as an assistant coach to Paul Lusk. They were in town for a road game to play our alma mater, SIU. Kyle and his wife and my good friend, Carrie,  hooked us up with some Missouri State gear and we decked ourselves out and headed to the game to watch him coach!  Kind of weird wearing Missouri State in the SIU gym, but hey, gotta support our friends! :)

I do have to say the SIU Arena looks pretty great! We had a great night and it was so great to get to see him coach!

This is a pretty big week for the Barrington's! We usually sit at home and do nothing during the week. I guess I better get used to that not happening in my life with two boys who will be constantly keeping me busy when they get older playing sports!

Brista Barrington

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