Monday, July 11, 2011

Introducing Dylan...

Just a little over a month after our wedding we found out we were expecting Baby #2! And no, no, no that is not why I was sick at our wedding..I was not pregnant at our fact...we got pregnant that night! :) This pregnancy was not near as easy as Drew's was. I was miserable the whole time! I was fat, felt ugly, swollen, you name it! I gained over 50 pounds with Dylan!! I had a pretty healthy pregnancy with Dylan as well, again, until I was close to the end. I went into pre-term labor 3 times before I actually went into the "real thing" labor. Just a couple shots to stop the labor and I was good to go. I took some time off of work a couple months before Dylan was born to spend some last special moments with Drew by myself. It was worth it because moving from having one child to of work and they need lots of attention! The night before I went into labor for the real deal, I knew I was going to be having the baby that weekend. I woke up that morning, went to a wedding shower, let everyone feel my belly when I was having a contractions! Then, after the shower I went to the hospital to visit my cousin's newborn he had that day! I told the nurses I would be back to the hospital later ready to deliver my baby! Haha! Sure enough, I went home to clean, walk, pack, walk. Then about 10pm we took Drew to Justin's parents, went home to go on another walk/run and headed to the hospital. By that time I was dilated to a 5! I was admitted the hospital and was ready to have the baby! Then my contractions stopped! I couldn't believe it! Dr said I had two choices, go home or break my water. Of course, I chose to break my water. I wasn't leaving that hospital without a baby this time! Sure enough a 6 lb 15 oz baby came Septemeber 6, 2009 at 2:42pm!! Again, I pushed for like 4 minutes and was laughing the whole time. If I recall, Dr Gates was rushing to get a nurse in the room because he was coming whether she was there or not!

 Here is our precious baby.....

 Looks like he is waving hello!

Big brother Drew was just as in love as Mommy and Daddy!

Dylan was just perfect, of course!

One of my favorite pictures from the birth of Dylan..Really captures how happy I was!

And now our family of 4 begins!

Drew was 2 1/2 when Dylan was born and he was an amazing big brother! He loved him so much! He was such a big help!

We adjusted well with two it was time for Halloween! This year, my boys, my nephew, and my niece were all T-Birds and a Pink Lady for Halloween. It was the cutest thing!

Dylan at 2 months...he was beginning to be such a chunker! And Mommy LOVED his hair...

And of course this chunker enjoyed his first Thanksgiving feast! He was only 2 months old and he was already eating the mashed potatos!!!

Christmas 2009!! He had no idea what was going on...but he seemed to enjoy it! :)

Easter was one of Dylan's favorite first holidays. He was about 6 months old. Our Aunt Donna decided to bring a real bunny to Easter that year. After the bunny met Dylan I am almost positive he wanted to be somewhere else! :)

Of course that summer we needed to take Dylan to his first Cardinal Game! He actually had a blast! It was soooo hot, but he really enjoyed it!

At only 9 months old this boy was ready for his first haircut! He did such a great job! His hair was wild crazy and Mommy kept some for his baby book!

At the end of his first summer, just a little under a year old, he went to Disney World for the first time! Luckily, for Mommy he could not walk yet. This made it easier as we were chasing his big brother Drew around. Dylan's favorite was Mommy's favorite, the Tea Cups! What a lucky boy to already be going to Disney World and not even a year old yet!!!

After we got home from Disney, it was time to plan his FIRST birthday! Once again, as Drew's, this year flew by! He was such an awesome baby! We called him little monkey, so we, well I guess I should say I, decided on a monkey theme! The party turned out more than great! We were at our new home now, so the party was held in our backyard. He too, like his big brother, started walking around his first birthday!

Now, Dylan is 22 months! Just a few months away from his 2nd birthday! He is such a happy little boy! He wants to do everything like his brother. He runs around the house copying absolutely everything Drew does. They are best buddies. Drew still likes to take care of him. I can not believe he is about to be 2! He is such a great blessing and we love him very much!!
Brista Barrington

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